In conjunction with the ACM EuroSys 2015 conference
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09:00 – 10:30 Session 1: Implementations and Case-Studies (session chair: Roch Glitho)
Introduction by Roch Glitho (15mn)
“A Case-Study in All-Web Rich Interpersonal Communication Services ”, Francois Toutain, Emmanuel Le Huérou. (25 mn)
“WebRTC based Remote Collaborative Online Learning Platform ”, Hyeontaek Oh, Sanghong Ahn, Jinhong Yang, Jun Kyun Choi. (25 mn)
“Performance analysis of the Janus WebRTC gateway ”, Alessandro Amirante, Tobia Castaldi, Lorenzo Miniero, Simon Pietro Romano. (25 mn)
10:30 – 11:00 Break (30mn)
11:00 – 12:30 Session 2: Circumventing the Roadblocks (session chair: Stéphane Tuffin)
“Toward automatic update from callbacks to Promises ”, Etienne Brodu, Stephane Frenot, Frederic Oble. (25 mn)
“QoS Degradation based Reimbursement for Real-time Communication ”, Mohammad Aazam, Eui-Nam Huh. (20 mn)
Keynote speech (tbc) (45 mn)
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Session 3: Forthcoming issues (session chair: Stéphane Frénot)
“On Embedded Real Time Media Communications ”, Jean-Charles Gregoire. (15 mn)
“On Webco Interoperability ”, Francois Toutain, Emmanuel Le Huerou, Eric Beaufils. (25 mn)
“An API proposal for integrating Sensor Data into Web Apps and WebRTC ”, Joao Azevedo, Ricardo Lopes Pereira, Paulo Chainho. (25 mn)
“Specialized network services for WebRTC. TURN-based architecture proposal ”, Ewa Janczukowicz, Arnaud Braud, Stephane Tuffin, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Gael Fromentoux, Jean-Marie Bonnin. (25 mn)
15:30 – 16:30 Break + EuroSys poster session (1h)
16:30 – 18:00 Session 4 : BoF session (session chair: Stéphane Tuffin & Roch Glitho)
Discuss a research agenda on All-web real-time systems for the coming years: One of the aims of this workshop is to discuss between academia and industry people to exchange on the research agenda on real-time web.
This topic (inc. webRTC) is sometimes seen as a purely engineering issue, but there are many underlying research issues to address (e.g. languages and frameworks, identity and interoperability, network impacts, QoS, media processing & conferencing, etc…).
Closing and future steps (Roch Glitho)
18:00 Welcome reception